Sunday, July 17, 2016

Mixed media illustration

Hey! So, I'm slowly but surely getting this blog together. I'm hoping to have an update schedule at least by some time in August. The layout right now is not what it's going to eventually be. I'm going to get my fiance's help in coding my own layout. still, I have stuff to share.

Now onto the REAL subject of this post!

 My number one goal in artwork is to be a mixed media illustrator. Allow me to explain. According to Wikipedia, mixed media is described as " a work of visual art that combines various traditionally distinct visual art media—for example, a work on canvas that combines paint, ink, and collage could properly be called a "mixed media" work." Traditionally, mixed media artists usually use scrapbooking materials and photographs for their artwork. Some examples include Jonathan Talbot, the Finnabair team, and Tim Holtz:

As follows: Finnabair "Once upon a time", Jonathan Talbot "The Bachelors", Tim Holtz "Tag"

I absolutely LOVE mixed media. I love the idea of taking anything, mixing it with anything else, arranging pieces of what can be considered junk and recycling it into a work of art. I love the idea that the bounds of artwork are unlimited, that anything can be included and organized in a pleasing way. But at the same time, this kind of artwork is also lacking something.

 A story.

 I was always an illustrator. I wanted my work to mean something, to have a story behind it. Mixed media, although beautiful, holds no lasting intrigue for me personally. Works that tell stories leave a great thing to the imagination. It makes there be more than just beauty to a work. It's something we call a "Narrative Quality."

And I am determined to take on the name "Mixed media illustrator." Granted, I am not the first one to used mixed media in their fantasy art and illustrations. One of the most prominent that I know of is Jessica Douglas, who uses enamel, mica flakes, glass beads, and various stones in her pieces.

(Jessica Douglas, "The Leviathan")

I have been doing things with mixed media for a bit longer than I realize or could put a name to it, but now I am refining the process and getting more tools. Here are some of the examples I have of my work:

(As follows: "Token of the Sun's Affection", "Lady in an Art Gallery", "Rain Belikov", "Seth" all by Rowan Barnson)
((These examples and more can be seen at

 Eventually I want to go so far as to do comics in mixed media. We will see where my experiments lead. Wish me luck in my endeavors! A lot of my endeavors will be posted here.

Thank you!

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