Friday, August 26, 2016

New Home

Once again there has been a lack of updates due to my life being a consistent stream of... Packing, and unpacking. I did not allow myself a lot of free time until our home was set up since having my space truly mine (or rather, ours) is one of the ways I fight anxiety and begin creativity. I knew I couldn't fully "Settle" until it was finished.

Sure enough, I'm done... And it's so strange because now I find myself in an antsy state of "I have spent all summer busy as heck and now I am... Not. What else?" Which is funny because I have a lot of personal projects that I have shoved on the wayside but yet switching my mindset from "BUSY WITH LIFE" to "BUSY WITH ART" is... Strangely difficult. Of course, I've struggled with transitions before.

Regardless, I feel like a personal space is KEY for anyone doing any sort of creating... Creating code, creating stories, creating art. Having a place you can gain inspiration from and then CREATE is the best thing for your mind. Having a place you can RELAX... It's all SO VERY IMPORTANT.

One of the parts of me being married that I was looking forward to the most was decorating my new home. I admitted this freely to my husband. I was honestly tired of having dorm rooms that had so many rules about what you could do with your walls.

Now... We have a small space. But I feel it's a perfect space for a family just starting out.

Enough chatter though! Let's see them pics!


The difficulty with this space was that the kitchen cabinets are shallow despite being tall. That means I can only do one layer of food or dishes. I had to be clever about storage. We had a bathroom shelf that didn't fit over the toilet due to the counter already being over the toilet. So we decided to use that for kitchen stuff. I fashioned the bottom with hooks from IKEA and used it to hang pots and pans, sliding a couple boxes of storage for other kitchen goods underneath. I also have one of those rolling drawer carts in a corner, easy to slide in and out so I can get the food in the cupboard it cuts off.


 (Apologies for the grainy quality on the first one- trying to brighten the contrast made its quality go down.)

When I first saw the house, the previous tenants had a HUGE king sized bed they were using. It was... Well, let's just say there was no bedroom space. At all. That wouldn't fly with me because a huge chunk of what I own is art supplies and I needed SOME space to store it. (The easel in the front room SO does not count) The best thing I could do is BUILD UP. Get shelves. Use those clever Ikea hooks on a towel rod with various buckets and baskets to hold stuff in. The trick with the shelves is they looked like the kind of thing you would find in your garage. So I spruced it up by putting a pair of curtains draping over it.

Curtains over the windows, as it turns out, makes a huge difference in the atmosphere of a room. It would not look this good without them!

Random note on the closet, although it is a walk in closet it's TINY. Then again, I have a lot of clothes. So a lot of squishing was in order.


First off HELLO IT ME IN THE MIRROR :'D The bathroom was... Difficult. It's got one shallow cabinet, and one not so shallow cabinet. But then the counter is tiny and over the toilet, and the towel rack makes it difficult to move shelving anywhere because it spans from the door to the shower. RUDE, TOWEL ROD!!
Anyways. I figured out a few things. I bought a shelf from... You guessed it, IKEA. It consists of a bunch of iron bars that you can hang hooks on while still functioning as a shelf. I have a couple of those folding boxes up there as well as jars with my nail polish and hair accessories.Then I hung baskets with various stuff in them up, as well as my blowdryer and mirror. I had a drawer set that I was using gfor art supplies that I decided to put in the corner for storage instead...
The shower is interesting because it's a tiny cubby hole, which means that the mirror doesn't get covered in precipitation but at the same time you have a hard time getting the humid air out of the cubby hole, so you have to watch for mold.

Also, we have more towels than I know what to do with. Such is the blessing of wedding gifts.

That's it for the space! It's a tiny little cottage, but I'm very pleased. Eventually I want to have a space where I can have my own art studio, but that doesn't have to be now especially as my husband still looks for a job. I love it, and I love decorating my space even more. I have so much art, I wish I could put it all up. But right now I have my asian decor, a print by Jessica Douglas, and an original by Keliana Tayler that was a wedding gift for us. That's enough for now. c:

Always be optimistic about the space you live in. If you don't like it, decorate and organize it. Make it a place you do enjoy to live in. It's very rewarding.

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