Saturday, August 13, 2016

Wedding and Honeymoon Notes

I was hoping to be able to have a post ready before I left on my honeymoon, but it was not in the stars I suppose. Everything kind of ended up super busy. Life happens.

Regardless, I wanted to talk a bit about marriage and how the wedding went. This is more of a "slice of life" post and will be tagged accordingly.

First off, I know marriage gets a lot of flack especially nowadays. But there is a wonder in the bonds of matrimony, a permanence and finality that places you in a position where you take on responsibility for each other together as a whole, as opposed to a dating relationship where you are in a matter of speaking thinking of ONE'S OWN and their interests.

Granted, many would rather avoid that responsibility. Being one is very difficult. Being two separate entities in the exciting throes of romantic courtship is fun. Certainly a lot more fun than being tied to that person by law.

Without getting into too much religious talk, I feel like marriage is a step of faith. Yes, it's hard. It's hard to start a new life. It's hard trying to change your name, learning the intimate pros and cons of the one you have vowed to spend your life with, and learning to work through the cons.

That being said, it's totally worth it.

ANYWAYS! The wedding was beautiful. I had in mind this... Forest fairy tea party. I realized later I was imagining a kind of mori girl/victorian style wedding. And in many cases, it was just how I imagined. In other cases, I have no idea what I was imagining.

Unfortunately at the moment I don't have as many photos of the decor as I may want but I do have a few photos of us. My dress was the Taffeta and Lace Victorian dress from recollections. I loved it because it had that shabby chic "piecey" look, but yet still had the Victorian elegance that I desired so much.

My husband on the other hand wanted to match the victorian elegance by buying a vest from the Gentleman's Emporium. Him and the groomsmen all wore vests bought from there.

Meanwhile, I gave the bridesmaids an option between a few different skirts from Pretty Angel and Modcloth, all matching the gypsy-esque and mori girl styles. (I joked it was my way to trick them into wearing Mori Girl) and then told them to find a white blouse. I wanted them to have something that they would enjoy to wear and would wear again, and to have the freedom to not spend hundreds of dollars on a Bridesmaid dress.

I mean look how great they look!!

I love all of these clowns.

The bouquet I didn't want to look like a carefully tended to bouquet only found in the grocery store or at hospitals. i wanted it to look foresty. What's a good mori girl without a piece of the forest?
It turned out more beautiful than I could imagine.

It was done by the sister of the caterer- whose family is pretty close to mine. 

Speaking of the caterer!! We decided on the food to be "Tea party finger foods" and be a good mix of sweet, savory, and healthy foods. (Because nobody wants to overindulge in sugar. Well. I don't. Because I get sick so easily from it!!) She had my mom taste test everything as she made it, and made an excellent and beautiful array of foods from fresh fruit and veggies to savory scones to shortbread cookies and tea cake.
She even did our wedding cake, which was delightfully simple yet elegant with the same "tea party" type theme!

It was a delight even to destroy! ;D 

Of course, we only got a taste of the beautiful foods as we were so busy running around and dancing. Yes, dancing.

We had a DJ (Which was my husband's brother) and then we invited Clockwork and Gears Vintage Dancing to do some routines. We performed a couple with them as well. 
UNfortunately right now I don't have photos of them!! I'll update as I do. But they looked wonderful in all out Victorian ballroom clothes! 

After the wedding, we went right away to go to our honeymoon despite it being so late at night. We were an hour away from our location when the alternator on the car died.
In the middle of the night. In the middle of nowhere on a one lane highway with no lights. 

I have this amazing ability to remain calm and confident in the face of disaster (And then have anxiety and panic attacks about small things later but you know) especially when other people are not able to handle it. My poor husband didn't know what to do. I managed to call basically every towing comapny in the area without having even one pick up, nevermind they claimed to be "24/7" towing companies.

Come the third one, I hung up the phone with a "Well, f--k you too!" and I ain't even mad. About that point, we had a concerned group of people finally stop. They were heading to Colorado and saw a car by the side of the road with a door open and with great trepidation stopped to help. My husband talked to them as I tried to get more towing numbers to call.

Finally I got one. A small, local company from about 45 miles back called "AJ's Towing" answered. At this point it's three in the morning, and it cost four dollars per the mile one way to pick us up. So the kind individuals who stopped charged up our car for a while, and we headed back the way we came. These individuals also booked a motel in the town for us so we would have somewhere to go.

We broke down again three miles outside the town.

And that's when AJ came to our rescue.

We didn't have a lot of options. We already had a hotel booked and no way to get transportation to AJ's place the next morning. So he dropped us off at our motel, and said he would find out where to get the alternator repaired come morning and return it. 

We slept until about 10. And woke to a voice message that said "Your car is done."

Upon calling back, they said they got the Alternator replaced simple as that. And would drop it off at the motel. They said the receptionist would call us about payment later.

But she never called. They dropped off the car and gave us the receipt... There was no payment amount there. Just a 0 and the words "Happy anniversary". More than that, there was a 50 dollar bill stuck in there as well.

I have only seen my husband cry a few times since we have known each other. And that was one of the times.

Regardless, we decided to head back home and have our honeymoon a little closer to home. We did fun things around where we lived instead. And... It was still great!

Finally, as an extra!! Some decorating for the reception misadventures!

1 comment:

  1. You will have great memmories to share with your posterity! You are a good journalist...enjoyed reading about your experiences. This could be put on Family Search!
